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Welcome to the Therapeutic Justice Institute, offering innovative disruptive addiction treatment education and consultation.


Our focus is on best practices that can make a real difference, and we are here to help you navigate the complexities of addiction treatment.


Your journey towards better outcomes starts with us!

Offering ASAM Trainings Virtual and Live

Our international training, consulting, and technical assistance services can help transform your organization into a "mission-ready" entity that can meet today's treatment challenges. 

TJI offers the American Society of Addiction Medicine's 3rd and 4th edition Criteria Certification Training via live and Virtual Training for Continuing Education credit, helping you stay compliant and at the forefront of the Evolution of Addiction Treatment. 

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Learn the key principles of the ASAM 4th Edition criteria

  • How does the ASAM 4th Edition differ from previous editions?

  • How does ASAM 4th Edition define the criteria for substance use disorders?

  • What is the significance of the ASAM dimensions in the assessment process?

  • How can providers implement the guidelines outlined in ASAM 4th Edition?

  • What are the implications of ASAM 4th Edition for integrated care models?

Stay Compliant and Current with your CEU's!

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Evidence  Based

Therapeutic Justice Institute Training utilizes evidence-based education methodologies that enhance professionals like you understanding of addiction as a treatable medical condition through education and technical assistance.


This results in improved treatment outcomes, stronger multidisciplinary teams, decreased recidivism, and support for building safer custody facilities and healthier communities.  

Team Training Expertise

  • The ASAM Criteria 

  • Deflection and Pre-Arrest Diversion

  • Trauma and ACEs

  • Harm Reduction (for Programs and Treatment Courts)

  • DEI and Cultural Humility

  • Police/Law Enforcement Cultural Competence

  • Modified Therapeutic Community

  • Community Healing Circles

  • Organizational Leadership and Team Building

  • Collaborative Problem Solving 

  • RNR (Risk, Need and Assessment)  


About Our CEO

Kenneth L. Osborne has been at the forefront of many corrections and treatment services change efforts. 

Mr. Osborne is an author, consultant, and subject matter expert in addiction treatment/behavioral health and corrections administration. He has worked in these professional arenas for more than 30 years.

Mr. Osborne is well known as a "master trainer." His "down to earth" and "get to the heart of the matter" training approach is something his audiences enjoy. Mr. Osborne has presented on a variety of topics over the years that have included:

  • The impact of a father's absence as an ACEs issue in SUD treatment

  • ​Working with treatment and problem-solving courts

  • DEI and Cultural Humility​


Dr. Kenneth Osborne - This Morning

​​​Training and technical assistance to:​

  • SAMHSA, CSAT, & the U.S. Department of Justice BJA to state prisons throughout North America​

  • The drug treatment courts in the U.S. and Bermuda​

  • The University of South Africa and Department of Corrections in Johannesburg, SA​

  • Drug Prevention education to private American elementary and high schools in: ​​

    • Beijing

    • Taiwan

    • Belgium

    • Frankfurt

    • Doha Qatar

    • Switzerland

    • Hong Kong

    • London


Mr. Osborne's professional accomplishments are extensive. He holds state, national, and international certifications in addiction counseling, is a graduate of the Certified Public Manager program from George Washington University, is a certified Trauma Resolution Specialist, is recognized as one of America's Premier Business Leaders and Professionals in Princeton Honors Registry for 2009-2010 and Marquis Who's who in America for 2021-2022. He holds concurrent Bachelors and Masters degrees in Chemical Dependency Counseling and holds an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities. He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine professionals (ASAM), the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), the National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice (NABCJ) and the American Corrections Association (ACA)​.


Dr. Osborne is the author of the 2013 Amazon bestselling book When Mama is Daddy: Addressing the Male Crisis and Challenge of Father Absence and the follow-up book The Father Factor: What Happens When Daddy's Home.


Additional services provided by the Therapeutic Justice Institute (TJI) include training and technical assistance on Leadership and team-building programs, and custom needs assessments.


These services are designed to support organizations and individuals in the field of substance abuse treatment and assist them in improving treatment outcomes.​ Through our training and technical assistance, leadership and team-building programs, and custom needs assessments, TJI empowers professionals to provide high-quality care and make positive changes in the field.


Overall, TJI's complimentary services aim to support organizations and individuals within the substance abuse treatment field in achieving better treatment outcomes. By taking advantage of these services, organizations can enhance their treatment programs, improve patient outcomes, and contribute to the overall well-being of individuals struggling with substance-related disorders.

Get in Touch

Therapeutic Justice Institute

​NAADAC provider #249706


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